# compiler
This is the repository of the [Clean][] compiler.
This is a delayed mirror of the [upstream][] version and is only used to
publish the package. Periodically changes from upstream are released in a new
version here.
See the documentation in [base][] and the notes on
[updating](/CONTRIBUTING.md#updating) if you intend to make a merge request for
this repository.
## Packages
In this repository the sources of three packages are kept:
- [`base-compiler`][base-compiler], which contains the compiler executable.
This package should not be included directly, but through [`base`][base].
- [`lib-compiler`][lib-compiler]. This is a library with which you can use
modules from the Clean compiler.
The versions of these packages are kept in sync. This means that `lib-compiler`
patch versions may not be backwards compatible. Normally you will want to use
this dependency with an exact version constraint, e.g. `=1.0.0`.
`base-compiler-itasks` and `lib-compiler-itasks` are old packages with a
special version of the compiler with extensions for iTasks. All extensions were
merged into `base-compiler` in June 2022.
See [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) for instructions on updating this
## Using the library
The Clean frontend of the compiler in `lib-compiler` can be used as any other
On Windows systems, if an application uses not only the compiler frontend but
also the backend, it should copy `misc/dll/backend.dll` to the directory of the
On Unix systems, object code from the C backend is linked automatically if
## Maintainer & license
This project is maintained by [Camil Staps][].
The upstream is maintained by John van Groningen.
For license details, see the [LICENSE](/LICENSE) file.
[base]: https://clean-lang.org/pkg/base/
[base-compiler]: https://clean-lang.org/pkg/base-compiler/
[Camil Staps]: https://camilstaps.nl
[Clean]: https://clean-lang.org/
[itasks]: https://gitlab.com/clean-and-itasks/base/compiler/-/tree/itasks
[lib-compiler]: https://clean-lang.org/pkg/lib-compiler/
[main]: https://gitlab.com/clean-and-itasks/base/compiler/-/tree/main
[upstream]: https://gitlab.com/clean-compiler-and-rts/compiler
# Changelog
### v4.1.0
- Feature: allow an `_` between digits in decimal and octal integer denotations
and the significand of floating point denotations.
- Feature: allow an `_` before hexadecimal denotions and allow an `_` between
hex digits of such denotations.
- Fix: module imports with some qualified imports and another qualified import
of such a symbol, for example: `import StdList => qualified hd` and `from
StdList import qualified hd`, such a symbol was also incorrectly imported
- Fix: swapped the `tc` arguments in the call of `equivalent_contexts`, because
the first `tc` contains type variables and the second (`super_tc`) contains
temporary type variables.
#### v4.0.2
- Fix: prevent a compiler crash if a partially applied abstract new type is used in the type of a constructor.
- Fix: generated code for matching a constructor containing a (class constraint) dictionary.
#### v4.0.1
- Fix: store position of the default of an explicit case in `case_default_pos`.
- Fix: prevent possible compiler crash for an (erroneous) type context with a free type variable.
- Fix: generated `.r` annotations for node entries.
## v4.0.0
- Change: only import generic cases/derives that are imported by an explicit
import or import of the whole module, instead of importing all generic
cases/derives in all (partially) imported definition modules.
- Feature: add specifying types for expressions with syntax: `(expr :: type)`,
uniqueness attribute equalities or type contexts are not allowed. The
specified type may be more general, uniqueness attributes that are required
because of propagation are not added by the compiler, so for example `[*Int]`
should be `*[*Int]`.
- Feature: add option to generate `.r` annotations for entrypoints, which
indicate the number and types of A/B-stack arguments returned by the
### v3.3.0
- Feature: allow explicit imports of generic case/instance definitions, syntax:
`derive generic_function_name types` or `derive class class_name types`, types
are not separated by white space, not commas, for example: `from GenEq import
derive gEq OBJECT CONS`. Currently, the compiler just checks such imports, all
such definitions are still imported anyway. This is added to allow for
code backwards compatible to version `3` of the compiler.
- Fix: remove error `no generic cases for this kind` that occurs if a generic
context is used with a kind for which no generic cases are defined. The
generic contexts are now converted before the classes for the generic
instances are created so that all these classes can be created. The generated
generic bimap contexts are now immediately converted when they are created.
### v3.2.0
- Feature: add flag `-oltr` to enable lazy tuple recursion optimisation.
- Enhancement: improve code generation for a constructor and (unevaluated)
record update in a lazy context for constructors with a single unboxed record
- Enhancement: improve generated code for a record update in a lazy context
that updates (a) field(s) with a basic type constant.
- Enhancement: optimisation, thunk lift record updates in a lazy context
updating (a) strict field(s) with function call(s) expressions in a lazy
context; if the original record was unboxed pass this partial (not updated
part) record unboxed.
- Enhancement: optimisation, thunk lift record expressions in a lazy context
with (a) strict field value(s) which are function call(s) in a lazy context.
- Enhancement: optimisation, extend thunk lifting of record updates in a lazy
context updating (a) strict field(s).
- Fix: prevent compile time error for a newtype of a higher kinded type
variable application.
- Fix: prevent compiler crash when parsing a record update that specifies the
record and has a selector that also specifies the record and one or both
records are qualified with a module name.
- Fix: fix signs and propagation of arguments of mutually recursive type
definitions: convert type argument numbers to group variable numbers.
- Fix: don't allow fields without values in expressions, only in patterns, for
example not `{R | x}` as shorthand for `{R | x=x}`.
- Fix: if a field is qualified and only imported by a qualified import of the
whole module it was necessary to also explicitly import this field (and
record). This is no longer necessary if the record is also specified, for
example: `r.'m'.R.'m'.f`, `r.R.'m'.f`, `{R | r & 'm'.f=0}`, or
`{R | 'm'.f=0}`.
- Fix: parsing without the layout rule; previous version could sometimes
require extra brackets.
#### v3.1.1
- Fix: fix type checking of updates of arrays of unique coercible elements.
- Fix: reject `case` expressions without alternatives in parser.
- Fix: fix sign classification of type parameters after the first of type
- Misc: delay expanding newtypes in the type checker.
### v3.1.0
- Enhancement: allow patterns after qualified constructors in `=:` expressions
without parentheses (e.g. `a=:'M'.C 0`); already allowed for constructors in
the global namespace.
- Enhancement: optimize calls to generic functions with an implementation
exported in a definition module by creating a local copy (except for generic
representation types, e.g. `PAIR`).
- Enhancement: add unfolding of functions yielding a character, integer or real
constant in (trivial) fusion.
- Fix: fix bug in generic fusion for active trivial boolean cases on a case
path with a function argument.
- Fix: report an error for tuples with more than 32 elements.
- Fix: improve checking of required imports of module StdStrictLists.
- Fix: prevent compiler crash when compiling macros such as `.` imported from a
definition module.
- Fix: disallow unique attributes that propagate to the root in CAF types.
- Fix: fix parsing of qualified non-alphanumeric identifiers with a module name
of length 1 (e.g. `'L'. ++`).
- Fix: fix parsing of record patterns without definitions; don't allow
- Fix: fix compiler crash for match functions generated for irrefutable unboxed
list patterns when the elements are not in a strict context.
- Fix: fix reporting of uniqueness type coercion errors.
#### v3.0.3
- Fix: substitute type variables and attributes when expanding a newtype with a
universal quantifier.
- Fix: fix replacement of an explicit case by a case alternative with a strict
- Fix: fix bug that prevented unboxing arguments of some closures.
#### v3.0.2
- Enhancement: add optimisation to generic fusion to prevent generating some
small functions with many arguments that may cause fusion to stop because of
the 32 arguments limit. Instead generate larger functions with fewer
arguments by inlining function calls.
- Enhancement: speed up and reduce memory usage of compilation with generic
fusion. Instead of generating a new trivial function and inlining the
function later do this immediately (without generating a new function) in
some cases.
- Fix: the Windows version of `lib-compiler` now distributes `backend.dll` in
`misc/dll/backend.dll` instead of `exe/backend.dll` to avoid a name clash
with `base-compiler`.
#### v3.0.1
- Fix: prevent compiler crash when explicitly importing a macro using a new
type pattern match.
## v3.0
- Feature: add `{ :}`, `{! :}`, `{# :}`, and `{32# :}` array types which
reserve up to the next power of 2 of memory. This uses the ABC instructions
`create_arrayp2` and `create_arrayp2_`.
- Feature: add functional dependencies (backported from the iTasks compiler).
- Feature: add `import qualified .. as ..` (backported from the iTasks
- Feature: add `binumap` (backported from the iTasks compiler).
- Fix: fix printing of higher-order array types.
- Fix: prevent stack overflow when compiling very large function types.
#### v2.0.1
- Chore: allow `base-stdenv` ^2.0.
## v2.0
- Enhancement: use ABC instructions `select_nc` and `update_nc` for array
updates and selects when indexes do not need to be checked (e.g. in array
- Enhancement: add names of comprehensions to generated identifiers in
- Fix: bug in generic fusion causing incorrect functions to be generated.
## v1.0
First tagged version.