
Package info

This library provides container-like data structures.

# containers This library provides basic containers such as sets, maps and trees. ## Licence The package is licensed under the BSD-2-Clause license; for details, see the [LICENSE](/LICENSE) file. Some modules were ported from Haskell and they are provided under the compatible Haskell's 3-clause BSD license (see [LICENSE.BSD3](LICENSE.BSD3)). - Data.Heap - Data.Map - Data.Tree - Data.IntSet.Base
# Changelog ### 2.6 - Feature: add `findMaxLesserThan` which finds the maximum `Int` with corresponding value which is smaller than a given `Int` within an `IntMap`. ### 2.5 - Feature: add `mapSetSt`, which applies a state function to all elements of a `Set`. - Feature: add `mapSetStMonotonic`, which applies a state function to all elements of a `Set` more efficiently, requires the order of the elements of the set to not change by applying the state function. ### 2.4 - Feature: add `Sort`, sorts an overloaded list using `<`. - Feature: add `SortBy`, sorts an overloaded lists.using a custom ordering function. ### 2.3.0 - Feature: add `abortOnError`. ### 2.2 - Feature: `Data.Map`: add `Keys`, a function returning an overloaded list containing the keys of a map. #### 2.1.1 - Chore: support base `3.0`. ### 2.1 - Feature: `Data.Map`: add `anyMapSt`. ## 2.0 - Feature: add `json`/`gPrint` derives for `Map`, `Set` and `MaybeError`. ### 1.6 - Feature: add `gEq` derivation for `IntMap`. ### 1.5 - Feature: add `Data.MapCollection` (from platform). #### 1.4.1 - Fix: add `_SystemStrictLists` import to support `base-compiler` `v3.0`. ### 1.4.0 - Feature: add `Data.Map.ToList` to convert maps to overloaded lists. ### 1.3.0 - Feature: `Data.Map`: add `anyMap`. - Feature: `Data.Map`: add overloaded `FromList`. ### 1.2.0 - Feature: `Data.Set`: add `setToMaybe` converting a set to a `?|` value. ### 1.1.0 - Feature: `Data.Set`: add `maybeToSet` converting a `?|` value to a set. ## 1.0.0 - Initial version, import modules from clean platform v0.3.34 and destill all container modules.